In 2005, the Knysz Office & Warehouse Building, located in Wayne, Michigan, was constructed at $93 per square foot ($1.44 million total construction cost). A building of this caliber, fusing a create sculptural form with custom architectural detailing, would range between $125-$150/sf.
Creating a clear vision and purpose motivated our design team to identify and overcome many design and construction obstacles. By utilizing value engineering strategies, the architecture and engineering team worked directly with suppliers and sub-contractors during the design process, to obtain relevant feedback to align vision with construction budget.
All of the functional elements of office and warehouse space, redefined with a new, modern look.
The exterior veneer is composed of Centria ribbed metal panel, mounted on girts, with substantial wall insulation. All finish metal corners were custom designed by the architect and approved by Centria.
Custom flashing and corner details transition the Centria metal wall panels from vertical to horizontal orientation. A very cost-effective design solution to achieve a modest construction budget.
A common building entrance provides vertical circulation to the second floor, and entrances to individual suites.
Our final design concept is the result of many design iterations and ideas, that are continuously tested-out and evaluated to support the overarching project vision.
The building form is derived from the size and shape of the site, tucked behind an existing two story medical office building. Based on the limited area of the buildable site, City of Wayne Parking Requirements could not be accommodated; therefore, we negotiated a parking easement agreement with the neighboring property to the East, to provide additional parking.
The main floor area is 9,100 square feet, and composed of a dental equipment sales area, French wine distribution, and leasable warehouse areas.
The bold roof forms, angled at various slopes, accommodate an additional 6,734 square feet of second floor leasable office space, providing a total building areas of 15,492 square feet. The second floor open office plan provides maximum flexibility to accommodate a wide range of office sizes and configurations, with ability to carve-out various ceiling heights within the sloped roof forms. The second floor provides scenic views of the Rouge River below.
Copyright © 2019 Parabola Architecture + Development