Specialist vs Visionary

The specialist (the cookie cutter approach)

Many clients gravitate towards retaining an architect that specializes in one project type. It is human nature to avoid uncertainty, and gravitate towards the familiar. Prior accumulated experience, acquired by the specialist, often leads to the following disadvantages for the client:

  • Reuse of components from previous design solutions that may not provide the best design and construction solutions

  • Reusing previous architecture and engineering teams that may not be qualified for current projects

  • Cost-effective solutions, derived by the lowest architecture & engineering design fees, lack innovation and attention to detail that increase construction costs in the long-run

  • No design methodology, or approach to creative problem solving

The visionary (The innovate approach)

Parabola A+D is pioneering an innovative approach to create outstanding architecture and construction solutions for qualified clients. We are not for everyone, only those who value forward-thinking design excellence. Our unique approach to design offers the following benefits to our clients:

  • Neuroscience infused architecture - Ground-breaking innovative ideas are derived out of research and integration with the latest neuroscience principles. As a result, we developed a design process that harnesses the power of creative imagination. Through extensive brain research, we learned how to reduce fear and uncertainty for our clients, so we can push beyond boundaries to achieve what is possible.

  • Real estate development advisory - Outstanding design solutions attract higher rental rates, and increase the value of a real estate asset. Our goal is to assist clients to build a profitable real estate portfolio.

  • Integrated Project Delivery - The traditional design-bid-build method is broken and does not benefit our clients. In contrast, Parabola A+D offer an integrative approach to design, development, and construction. Our approach provides construction cost analysis throughout design process, lower construction costs and material waste, and accelerated construction schedules.